Thank You

Hi, my name is Andrew Duncan, and I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my site.

I realise you are short on time and at this stage you are probably trying to find the information you need to make a good real estate decision without subjecting yourself a sales pitch, endless phone calls from desperate real estate agents, constant emails with info on new properties that don’t interest you, or all of the above.

So instead, I am here to help you get what you need, and avoid all the B.S.

Here you will get unlimited access with no obligation to genuinely helpful tips and info on pitfalls to avoid that will help you save thousands when you decide to buy or sell your home. I want to give you this advice without any expectation in return so there is no risk it will be mistaken for a manipulative sales pitch, and all the more chance that you will take on board what is said. I am tired of seeing people lose money on their biggest asset by making poor real estate decisions through a lack of understanding of how the real estate market works.

How can you be expected to know everything about real estate when it’s your turn to move?

Most people only buy or sell every 7 years. That’s where I want to help you. Buying and selling is a complicated process fraught with potholes, risks, bad apples (yes there are still quite a few out there) and unforeseen disasters that can cost you thousands. You need to know how to avoid the biggest mistakes that most people make before you get started.

Below are links to my most popular posts. All articles are short, to-the-point, and hopefully easy to read with no built-in sales pitch or “look at me aren’t I wonderful, I sold 42 million houses!” B.S.

If you like one of the articles below please feel free to share it with your friends and let us know your thoughts.

Happy house hunting!

andrew duncan

Andrew Duncan
Real Estate Blogger

Want to know the 5 things you should never say to a real estate agent? Don’t make the rookie mistake of opening your mouth and blurting out these comments.

Before I buy a property there are 5 people I need to speak to first.

How to negotiate like a pro – what most agents don’t want you to know.

Are you interested in knowing which improvements will add the most value to your home before you go on the market? Hint – preparing for sale is not as expensive as you might think. In fact, spending large amounts could cost you in the long run.

Short on time? Read How to avoid losing money when buying and selling in as few words as possible

Negotiation tips for Sellers (Part 1)

Negotiation tips for Sellers (Part 2)

Ready for open homes?

Here are 5 key questions to ask before you go any further

Sick of all those stupid Tenders? Before you ignore another one, read this.

Want to be able to figure out the value of any property without hiring a valuer? Find out the 6 key steps to help you choose a price.

Should you buy an investment property? 8 questions to ask before you take the leap.

Should I wait till Spring / Summer before I put my home on the market? The stats may surprise you.

Want to know how to read a LIM and builders report? Don’t under-estimate the importance of these 2 documents. Find out the hidden meanings or confusing terms used throughout these reports.

How to win a Tender – Before you submit your offer, read this.

Are you wondering – What on earth is a deadline sale? (Hint: so were we!)

5 ways to find houses with less competition

Should you sell by Auction? Could they become popular in Wellington?

The no.1 biggest mistake first home buyers make. Hint: Don’t let your emotions get in the way of logic!


Thanks for reading. I thoroughly enjoyed writing these articles and I hope you found some benefit from reading them.

Best wishes,


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